Over the years, I have had many visitors to my photography website from all over the world. Some came looking for a photographer, others came looking for inspiration.
Some visitors have been kind enough to e-mail their thoughts on my work, and many have asked for ideas and guidance about maternity portraits.
This guide has been designed with those people in mind. I hope that it will help parents-to-be who want to take their own maternity portraits, as well as photographers who are just starting out.
I love the work I do. I wish it were possible to do portraits for everyone, but because of geography, time and expense, this is obviously not practical. Of course, If you are in the greater Boston area and you do decide to hire a professional, I hope you will consider me!
Wherever you are, I do support and encourage hiring an experienced professional maternity photographer. But, whether the reasons are financial, personal, or creative, I know there are people who wish to try this on their own and that there are many of photographers just starting out who deserve a chance.
My hope is that through this guide I can share some of what I have learned, and help those who are striving to create a memorable pregnancy portrait.
The Maternity Photography guide is still a work in progress. As such, you will find several sections are greyed out, and you may find other omissions or errors. My hope is to expand and improve the guide over time. If you find this guide helpful, or if you have questions or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail at guide@momphoto.com.
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